Title: 5G and Edge – Enabling Intelligent Systems and Enhanced User Experience.
Speakers: Chelladurai Adisesh – Distinguished Member of Technical Staff (DMTS) and Practice Head, Wipro; Shailesh Prabhu – Senior Technical Specialist, Nokia
Abstract: 5G network is expected to meet the growing demands for providing a seamless experience and connectivity among users. In addition to the evolutionary changes such as enhanced data rates up to 20x and ultra-reliable low latency up to 1/10th compared to 4G, 5G network is expected to bring a revolutionary change through dynamic network programming and cognitive intelligence driven automation. 5G is also enabling several industry verticals including Media and Entertainment, CV2X, Intelligent Transportation Systems, etc. This is primarily because of 5G natively supporting Edge Computing in its architecture. 5G integrated with Edge will provide an ultra-low latency network that will facilitate network operators/vendors cater to various business needs and provide an enhanced user experience. In our tutorial, we are going to present how 5G along with Edge Computing and Artificial Intelligence enhances user experience with endless possibilities. We are also going to deep dive into some of the industry applications that leverage 5G Edge capabilities like Intelligent Transportation Systems, Immersive Education/Media Experience and Interactive Gaming. The tutorial will also highlight the research opportunities in each of these applications. Finally, we will be demonstrating some Proof of Concept implementations built using Open Source Edge platforms.
Chelladurai Adisesh | Shailesh Prabhu |